Version date: March 26 th 2018 297Operator ManualNA 9328 Prof XL pump7.2.3 Cleaning and disinfectingWe advice to use to use cleaning agent and disinfecting agent mentioned below:• Cleaning agent: Nissei Cip Clean• Disinfecting agent: Nissei AlgidesWhen cleaning and disinfecting all components:• Rinse away as much ice cream mix as possible with cold water.• Clean further with brush and cleaning solution and allow the components tostand in the cleaning solution for 5 minutes.• Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. (2x)• Place the components in the disinfecting solution for 5 minutes.• Rinse thoroughly with cold water. (2x)Clean an disinfect your hands thoroughly with alcohol 80%before touch disinfected parts.• Dry the components as much as possible with a clean towel (preferablypaper).• Place the parts on a clean tea towel or sheet of kitchen paper.Cleaning solution• Make a solution of 100 ml. Nissei Cip Clean and 10 litres of warm water in aclean bucket.During cleaning, regularly change the cleaning solution.Disinfecting solution• Make a solution of 125 ml. Nissei Algides and 10 litres of cold water in aclean bucket.During disinfecting, regularly change the disinfecting solution.