Version date: March 26 th 2018 478Operator ManualNA 9328 Prof XL pump8 Transportation andStorageCheck that all connections have been disconnected beforemoving the machine.8.1 TransportationThe following rules must be observed during transportation:• Always transport the machine upright.• Use suitable lifting gear. Do not lift the machine manually.If necessary, have the machine transported by a specialistcompany. They have suitable lifting gear and transportationmeans.8.2 StorageThe following rules must be observed during storage:• First clean the machine thoroughly.• Store the ice cream head and XL pump disassembled.• The storage area must be dry with an air humidity level of 45-75%.• The ambient temperature must be between 4°C and 50°C.• The storage area must be free of dust or the machine and parts must becovered with plastic film.