![NiteRider LUMINA 40 Installation Manual Manual pdf 30 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3966440/48e6a091b0b53b7f80f7a59a87e4420530f.jpg)
Lumina 40 Clocks, external registration and alarms26Depending on the selected Registration Input the following settings will appear:SLOW PULSE or QUICK PULSEAmnt per pulse Setting of the unit that corresponds to one pulse.Amount today Readout of the unit measured today. Reset this value to start all registration from zeroagain.CONTACTDisplay Setting how the unit is displayed:• AMOUNT: number 'units' per minute (Amount per min.).• TIME: the time the contact makes contact.Amount per min. Setting of the number of 'units' measured per minute. This option is only available ifDisplay=AMOUNT.Amount today Readout of the unit measured today. Reset this value to start all registration from zeroagain.Input status Readout of the actual input status. HIGH or LOW.9.6 External alarmsThe control computer has inputs to which external alarms can be connected.Installer CLOCK / REGIS. EXTERNAL ALARMDescription Setting of the alarm message shown with an alarm This text will appear each time analarm occurs.Input address Setting of the input address to which the alarm is connected. The value betweenbrackets indicates the current value of the input.Input type Setting indicating when the input must give an alarm.• MAKE CONTACT: the alarm will activate if contact is made.• BREAK CONTACT: the alarm will activate if contact is broken.