®Instruction ManualNivuCompactpage 12 NivuCompact – Rev. 05 as of 31.10.20123.4 Turn-off ProcedureFor maintenance, cleaning and repairs (authorized staff personnel only) thedevice has to be disconnected from mains.3.5 User’s ResponsibilitiesIn the EEA (European Economic Area) national implementation of theframework directive 89/391/EEC and corresponding individual directives, inparticular the directive 89/655/EEC concerning the minimum safety and healthrequirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work, as amended,are to be observed and adhered to.In Germany the Industrial Safety Ordinance must be observed.The customer must (where necessary) obtain any local operating permitsrequired and observe the provisions contained therein.In addition to this, he must observe local laws and regulations on- personnel safety (accident prevention regulations)- safety of work materials and tools (safety equipment and maintenance)- disposal of products (laws on wastes)- disposal of materials (laws on wastes)- cleaning (cleansing agents and disposal)- environmental protection.Connections:Before operating the device the user has to ensure, that the local regulations(e.g. for electric supply) on installation and initial start-up are taken into account,if this is both carried out by the user.