®Instruction ManualNivuCompactpage 26 NivuCompact – Rev. 05 as of 31.10.20127.2 Operation modeThe NivuCompact has four different operation modes (select in P100):- distance- fill level- empty space- volumeThe operation mode defines the NivuCompact measurement mode.MODE 1 (distance)The distance measurement P100 = 1measures the distance betweenmeasurement medium and sensor bottomedge and indicates the value on the display.P105 = zero pointP106 = measurement spanP107 = near blanking distance(see chapter 14)MODE2 (fill level)The fill level measurement P100 = 2measures the distance between zero pointand maximum fill level of measurementmedium and indicates the value on thedisplay.P105 = zero pointP106 = measurement spanP107 = near blanking distance(see chapter 14)MODE 3 (empty space)The empty space measurement P100 = 3measures the distance between maximumfill level and entered measurement span andindicates the value on the display.P105 = zero pointP106 = measurement spanP107 = near blanking distance(see chapter 14)(see chapter 9)P600 vol – menuP600 = 0 to 12MODE 4 (volume)The volume measurement calculates thevolume by using the measured fill levelregarding the tank dimensions (P600).P605 = volume unitP606 = correction factorP607 = max. volume (indication only)P610 – P641 = 16 volume break points