Instruction ManualNivuCompact®NivuCompact - Rev. 05 as of 31.10.2012 page 29Go to parameter setting mode as described in chapter 8.1. The >UP< or>DOWN< keys take you through the parameter menu to the point called >diSP<where you can get into the menu by pressing >ENTER<. The accordingparameter numbers are going to be indicated now. You can step through theindividual parameters using the >UP< or >DOWN< keys. Go to P800 now andpress >ENTER< in order to modify this parameter. The LCD will indicate 0000with the rightmost digit flashing. This means that the current value is >0<.The display is set to measured distance. To change the display parameter to 1press the „UP“ key – this will increase the digit by one.Fig. 8-2 Selection of indication based on percentage or readingsin P800The modification will be accepted by pressing ENTER. Pressing the ESC keyhowever will take you back to P800 screen without having changed the value.8.3 Analog output calibrationCalibration of analog output (4-20 mA) as well as voltage output (0-10 V) hasbeen carried out per default. If the current output value should be incorrectanyway, it may be adjusted anew using parameters P834 and P835 (onlypossible by using PC software).