Instruction ManualNivuCompact®NivuCompact - Rev. 05 as of 31.10.2012 page 3911 Table of ResistivenessSome combinations of chemical ambient conditions as well as temperaturesituations and tension may have negative effects on thermoplastic Polymers.This is why any lubricants, cleansing solutions or other substances which mightbe contacting the equipment initially need to be checked regarding compatibility.The short-term chemical resistance of semi-crystalline materials normally is well.Semi-crystalline Valox types stand out for their remarkable resistance against awide variety of chemical substances including aliphatic hydrocarbon, petrol /gasoline, oil and grease, diluted acids and bases, clean-sing agents and mostwatery saline solutions at room temperature. The table >Chemical resistance ofValox®< shows a comparison between the chemical resistance of the differentValox types. The classification is based on immer-sion tests executed withsample rods which have been manufactured under controlled conditions. Thespecifications mentioned below are conceived as an indication of the resistive-ness of the complete moulded part. In all cases we recommend to test theapplication under actual operational conditions.Bad(not resistant)Fairly good(resistant to a limitedextent)Very good(resistant)- leads to failureor heavycorrosion- only for short-term exposureat low temperatures or if lossof mechanic properties is nottoo critical. Very good undernormal conditions.- long-term exposure mayresult in slight loss ofproperties- higher temperaturesmay lead to loss ofessential propertiesChemical resistance of VALOX®Hydrocarbon aliphatic acceptablearomatic acceptablecompletely halogenated not recommendedpartly halogenated not recommendedAlcohols acceptablePhenol not recommendedKetones conditionally resistantEster conditionally resistantEther acceptableAcids inorganic acceptableorganic conditionally resistantoxygenate not recommendedAlkali not recommendedCar liquids not recommendedlubricants (non-reactive, organic Ester) acceptableOils (unsaturated aliphatic alloys) acceptableWaxes (heavy oil) acceptablePetrol / gasoline acceptableCoolant solution (Glycol) acceptableBreak fluid (heavy alcohols) acceptableCleaning agent acceptableWater, hot (> 80°C) not recommended