23Quick alert settingsYou can quickly adjust your phone’ssound settings when you go into ameeting, go outdoors, etc. To choose aquick alert setting, briefly press thekey, scroll to the setting you want,then press OK.Tip: Instead of using the scroll keys, you can press thekey repeatedly to scroll through this menu. After youreach the setting you want, press and hold the key.Note: If you choose Silent or Quiet, the alarm clock willonly sound a quiet beep.My tones Uses the settings you have made in Menu 8, Mytones.Silent All sound is turned off.Quiet Your phone beeps once when you receive a call ortext message. Other tones are turned off.Loud Your phone rings loudly. Other tones are not affected.Headset Automatically selected when your phone isconnected to a headset. Remembers any changes you maketo settings in Menu 8, My tones, and uses them the nexttime you connect the phone to a headset.Car Automatically selected when your phone is connectedto a car kit. Remembers any changes you make to settings inMenu 8, My tones, and uses them the next time you connectthe phone to a car kit.Note: If the Silent, Quiet, or Loud quick alert setting ischosen and you change a setting in Menu 8, My tones, thephone switches the current quick alert setting to My tones.Voice mailbox numberIf you have a voice mail subscription, use Menu 2 2 2 tosave the voice mailbox number given to you by your serviceprovider. This number may be up to 32 digits long. Once yousave your voice mailbox number, you can press and hold thekey to dial your voice mailbox. (You can also pressbriefly and then press Call.)