45Writing and sending text messagesNote: The availability of writing and sending text messagesmay vary according to your wireless service provider, and youmust subscribe to the text messaging network service. Pleasecontact your service provider for details.The phone allows you to write a text message using yourkeypad. Once you have written a message on your screen,you will have options for sending your message.Writing a text message1 Press Menu 2 1 3 and select Write new2 Write your text message by entering letters and numbersfrom your keypad3 The function of the Navi™ key will change to OptionsYour Options menu is:Sending a text messages1 Write a text message and press Options2 To send the message, highlight Send and press OK3 Enter the phone number (or press Search to locate thenumber in the phone book), then press SendMessage settingsThis network feature allows you to mark your text messageas urgent, place your number within the text message, orrequest a read receipt. This is a network feature. Contactyour service provider for more information.Send send the messageBack return to the Text messages menuClear screen clear all entered text from the screenSettings choose a setting for your messageSave store the text message to Saved