A d d i t i o n a l s a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o nCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 9110. Additional safety informationYour device and its enhancements maycontain small parts. Keep them out of thereach of small children.■ Traffic SafetyDo not use a hand-held telephone whiledriving a vehicle. Always secure thephone in its holder; do not place thephone on the passenger seat or where itcan break loose in a collision or suddenstop.Remember road safety always comesfirst!■ Operating environmentRemember to follow any specialregulations in force in any area andalways switch off your device when itsuse is prohibited or when it may causeinterference or danger. Use the deviceonly in its normal operating positions.This device meets RF exposure guidelineswhen used either in the normal useposition against the ear or whenpositioned at least 2.2 cm away from thebody. When a carry case, belt clip orholder is used for body-worn operation, itshould not contain metal and shouldposition the device the above-stateddistance from your body.Parts of the device are magnetic. Metallicmaterials may be attracted to the device,and persons with a hearing aid shouldnot hold the device to the ear with thehearing aid. Always secure the device inits holder, because metallic materialsmay be attracted by the earpiece. Do notplace credit cards or other magneticstorage media near the device, becauseinformation stored on them may beerased.In order to transmit data files ormessages, this device requires a goodquality connection to the network. Insome cases, transmission of data files ormessages may be delayed until such aconnection is available. Ensure the aboveseparation distance instructions arefollowed until the transmission iscompleted.■ Medical devicesOperation of any radio transmittingequipment, including wireless phones,may interfere with the functionality ofinadequately protected medical devices.Consult a physician or the manufacturerof the medical device to determine if theyare adequately shielded from external RFenergy or if you have any questions.Switch off your device in health carefacilities when any regulations posted inthese areas instruct you to do so.Hospitals or health care facilities may beusing equipment that could be sensitiveto external RF energy.