M e n u f u n c t i o n s36 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.In dynamic contacts you can publishyour current availability status tocommunicate to anyone who hasaccess to this service and who isrequesting this information. See "Mypresence" on page 38.Selecting settings forcontactsPress Menu and select Contacts andSettings. Select• Memory in use to select the SIMcard or phone memory to use foryour contacts. To recall namesand numbers from bothmemories for contacts, selectPhone and SIM. In that case, thenames and numbers will be savedin the phone memory.• Contacts view to select how thenames, numbers and images incontacts are displayed.• Memory status to view howmuch memory is available in theselected memory for contacts.Saving names and phonenumbers (Add contact)Press Menu and select Contacts andAdd new contact. Key in the nameand the phone number. When thename and number are saved, pressDone.Tip: Quick save In standbymode, key in the phonenumber and press Save. Keyin the name, press OK andDone.Saving multiple numbers oritems per nameYou can save different types ofphone numbers and short text itemsper name in the phone’s internalmemory for contacts.The first number saved isautomatically set as the defaultnumber and it is indicated with aframe around the number typeindicator, for example . Whenyou select a name from contacts, forexample to make a call, the defaultnumber is used unless you selectanother number.1. Make sure that the memory inuse is either Phone or Phone andSIM.2. Scroll to the name saved in thephone’s internal memory for thecontact to which you want to adda new number or text item, andpress Details.3. Press Options and select Addnumber, Add detail or Add image.