M e n u f u n c t i o n s38 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.• Settings to select how the namesand numbers in contacts aredisplayed. Select Memory statusto view the free and usedmemory capacity.• Speed dials to assign a number toa speed dialling key. To activatespeed dialling see "Call settings"on page 47.• Service numbers to call theservice numbers of your serviceprovider if the numbers areincluded on your SIM card(network service).• My numbers to view the phonenumbers assigned to your SIMcard. Only shown, if the numbersare included on your SIM card.• Caller groups to arrange thenames and phone numbers savedin the memory into caller groupswith different ringing tone.Editing or deleting detailsSearch for the contact that you wantto edit or delete and press Details.Scroll to the name, number, textitem or image that you want to editor delete and press Options.• To edit a name, number or textitem or to change image, selectEdit name, Edit number, Editdetail or Change image.Note that you cannot edit ordelete an ID when it is in IMcontacts or in the Subscribednames list.• To delete a number or text item,select Delete number or Deletedetail.• To delete an image attached tothe contact, select Delete image.Deleting an image from contactsdoes not delete it from Gallery.My presenceWith the presence service (networkservice) you can share your presencestatus with other users, for exampleyour family, friends and colleagueswith compatible devices and accessto the service. Presence statusincludes your availability, statusmessage and personal logo. Otherusers who have access to the serviceand who are requesting yourinformation are able to see yourstatus. The requested information isshown in Subscribed names in theviewer’s Contacts menu. You canpersonalise the information that youwant to share with others andcontrol who can see your status.