M e n u f u n c t i o n sCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 61Receiving a group or a one-to-onecall• A short tone notifies you of anincoming group and one-to-onecall. When receiving a group call,the group name and thenickname of the caller aredisplayed. When receiving aone-to-one call from a personwhose information you havesaved in Contacts, the savedname is displayed if identified;otherwise, only the nickname ofthe caller is displayed.• You can either accept or reject anincoming one-to-one call if youhave set the phone to first notifyyou of the one-to-one calls.• If you press the PTT key to try torespond to a group while anothermember is talking, you hear aqueuing tone and Queuing isdisplayed as long as you press thePTT key. Press and hold the PTTkey, and wait for the other personto finish, then you can talk.Adding one-to-one contactsYou can save the names of personsto whom you often makeone-to-one calls.• To add a push to talk address to aname in the Contacts:Move the joystick down instandby mode, scroll to thedesired contact, and pressDetails. Press Options and selectAdd detail and PTT address.• To add a contact to the push totalk contacts list:To add the push to talk contact,open the push to talk menu, andselect Contacts list. PressOptions, and select Add contact.• To add a contact from the grouplist:When connected to the push totalk service, select Group list,scroll to the desired group, andpress Options. Select Activemembers, scroll to the memberwhose contact information youwant to save, and press Options.Select Save as to add a newcontact, or Add to contact to adda push to talk address to a namein the Contacts.Creating and setting upgroupsWhen you call a group, all membersjoined to the group hear the callsimultaneously.