C a l l f u n c t i o n sCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 11Tips for writing textThe following functions may also beavailable for writing text:• To insert a space, press .• Move the cursor to the left, right,down or up with the joystick.• To insert a number while in lettermode, press and hold the desirednumber key.• To delete a character to the leftof the cursor, press Clear. Pressand hold Clear to delete thecharacters more quickly. Todelete all the characters at oncewhen writing a message, pressOptions and select Clear text.• To quickly set predictive textinput on or off when writing text,press and hold Options.• To insert a word when usingpredictive text input, pressOptions and select Insert word.Write the word using traditionaltext input and press Save. Theword is also added to thedictionary.• To insert a special characterwhen using traditional text input,press , or when usingpredictive text input, press andhold , or press Options andselect Insert symbol. Select thecharacter and press Use.• To insert a smiley when usingtraditional text input, presstwice, or when using predictivetext input, press and hold andpress again, or press Optionsand select Insert smiley. Select asmiley and press Use.The following options are availablewhen writing text messages:• To insert a number while in lettermode, press Options and selectInsert number. Key in the phonenumber or search for it inContacts and press OK.• To insert a name from Contacts,press Options and select Insertcontact. To insert a phonenumber or a text item attachedto the name, press Options andselect View details.