C o m m u n i c a t e o v e r t h e W e b27Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.To view the Web page in optimized size, select Web > View >Optimised view. The Web page is fit to the width of the screen; text andimages are zoomed and scaled differently, if necessary.To change the Web browser settings, select Web > Tools > Settings. Formore information, see the help of the application.■ Manage bookmarksTo manage the bookmarks you saved in the device, tap , and selectBookmarks. The bookmark folders are shown on the left, and thebookmarks in the selected folder on the right.Note: Your device may have some bookmarks loaded for sitesnot affiliated with Nokia. Nokia does not warrant or endorsethese sites. If you choose to access them, you should take thesame precautions, for security and content, as you would withany Internet site.You may not be able to edit or manage the contents of theInternet service provider’s bookmarks.To open a folder and a bookmark contained in it, tap the folder, and tapthe bookmark twice.To add a bookmark to the current Web page, hold the stylus down on theWeb page, and select Add bookmark... from the context-sensitive menu.To save a link as a bookmark, hold the stylus down on the link for asecond, and select Add link to Bookmarks....4. Communicate over the WebTo be able to communicate over the Web, you must have an activenetwork connection and registered user accounts and passwords forInternet call, instant messaging and e-mail services with serviceproviders outside Nokia.