U t i l i t i e s a n d g a m e s40 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.■ File managerIn File manager, you can move, copy, rename, delete, and open files andfolders available in the device, compatible mobile phone, or memorycards inserted in them.Tap , and select File manager. The main folders are shown on the leftand the subfolders and files on the right.7. Utilities and games■ CalculatorNote: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed forsimple calculations.To access the calculator, tap , and select Utilities > Calculator.■ ClockTo set the date and time, select an analog or digital clock, and accesslanguage and regional settings, tap , and select Utilities > Clock, ortap the date and time on the right of the screen.■ NotesTo create and save text notes, and send them through e-mail, tap ,and select Utilities > Notes.The notes application supports the following file formats: ascii (plaintext with no formatting) and .note.html (formatted text). Theapplication does not support the full .html file format.■ PDF readerTo view documents in portable document format (PDF), tap , andselect Utilities > PDF reader.