C o m m u n i c a t e o v e r t h e W e b30 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.to chat with the contactsend an e-mail message to the contactTip: To be able to make contact, you must define accountsettings for the Internet call and instant messaging services. Formore information, see "Accounts," p. 28.■ Instant messagingInstant messaging application allows you to instantly communicatewith people over the Internet. To be able to use this feature, you musthave and active network connection, a registered instant messagingaccount with a service provider, and a presence status that allowssending and receiving messages. By default, your device supports theJabber and Google Talk services.To access the Instant messaging application, tap , and selectNew chat.To create an account for instant messaging services, tap the applicationmenu title, and select Tools > Accounts.... Follow the instructions on thescreen to complete and save the account settings.To enter a chat room, tap the application menu title, and select Chat >Enter chat room.... In the Enter chat room dialog, enter the name of thechat room in the Room name field, or select the room from the list. Tojoin the chat room, tap OK.If the chat room is protected by a password, the Enter password dialog isdisplayed. To join the protected chat, enter the correct password, andtap OK.To write and send a chat message, tap the text field in the chat toolbar,enter the message, and tap .To add smileys to your messages, tap .To view other messages, scroll the list with the stylus. The most recentmessage is always displayed at the bottom of the list.To end the chat, tap in the upper right corner of the screen.