O v e r v i e w7Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.■ Touch screenThe touch screen consists of the task navigator (1), the application titlearea (2), the status indicator area (3), the minimize and close buttons(4), the application area (5), and the toolbar (6).Task navigatorThe task navigator (1) includes icons that you can tap to open differentapplications, start new tasks, and access bookmarks.To select an option, tap it with the stylus. Alternatively, scroll to thedesired option in a menu, and press the center of the scroll key to openit. To close the menu, press the escape key, or tap another area of thescreen.The task navigator contains the following plug-ins by default:1st plug-in: Web browser — Tap to access Internet functions such asOpen new browser window and Bookmarks. To change the first plug-in,tap , and select Tools > Control panel > Task navigator.2nd plug-in: Contacts — Tap to access functions such asView contacts, View inbox, New e-mail, New call, New chat, andSet presence. The information at the bottom of the menu changesautomatically. The plug-in icon is highlighted and the menu is updated