T o o l s , u t i l i t i e s , a n d g a m e s449. Tools, utilities, and games■ File managerIn File manager, you can move, copy, rename, and open files and foldersavailable in the device, compatible mobile phone, or memory cardsinserted in them.Tap , and select File manager. The main folders are shown on theleft and the subfolders and files in them on the right.■ Connection managerWith Connection manager, you can monitor and manage connectionsestablished with the device. Tap , and select Connection manager.■ CalculatorNote: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed forsimple calculations.To access the calculator, tap , and select Utilities > Calculator.■ ClockYou can set the date and time, select an analog or digital clock and accesslanguage and regional settings. Tap , and select Utilities > Clock, or tapthe date and time shown on the right of the screen.