W A P s e r v i c e s40 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.• To discard the received settings,press Options and select Discard.• To view the received settingsfirst, press Options and selectView. To save the settings, pressSave.Keying in the service settingsmanually1. Press Menu, select Services andSettings.2. Select Active service settings.You need to activate the set inthe place where you want to savethe service settings. A set is acollection of settings needed tomake a connection to a WAPservice.3. Scroll to the set you want toactivate and press Activate.4. Select Edit active servicesettings.Select each of the servicesettings one by one and key in allthe required settings.• Settings' name - Key in a newname for the connection setand press OK.• Homepage - Key in thehomepage address of the WAPservice that you want to use,press for a dot and pressOK.• Session mode - SelectPermanent or Temporary.• Connection security - SelectOn or Off.When the connection securityis set to On, the phone tries touse a secure connection tothe WAP service. If a secureconnection is not available,the connection will not bemade. If you wish to connectanyway, with a non-secureconnection, you must set theconnection security to Off.• Data bearer - Select GSMdata or GPRS. For settings forthe selected bearer, see”Settings when GSM data isthe selected data bearer” and”Settings when GPRS is theselected data bearer” below.For pricing, connection speed,and other information,contact your networkoperator or service provider.