K e y f e a t u r e sCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 53Using data communicationapplicationsFor information on using a datacommunication application, refer tothe documentation provided with it.1. If you use an IR connection:Activate the IR connection in thephone, see ”Infrared” on page 51.Make sure that the connection isactive in your PC.2. Start using the datacommunications application onthe computer.Note that making or answeringphone calls during a computerconnection is not recommended as itmight disrupt the operation.For better performance during datacalls, place the phone on astationary surface with the keypadfacing downward. Do not move thephone by holding it in your handduring a data call.■ CalendarThe calendar helps you to keep trackof reminders, calls that you need tomake and birthdays. The phone willsound an alarm tone when the setdate for an event has been reached ifyou have set an alarm for the note.Press Menu, select Organiser andCalendar. Scroll to the day you want.If you want to see the day’s notes,press Options and select Day notes.The note indicator is shown on thefirst line. You can view an individualnote by scrolling to it in day view,then pressing Options and View. Theweek view shows four weeks at atime.Other options for the calendarviews may include:• Options for making a note or forsending a note directly toanother phone’s calendar or as atext message.• Options for erasing, editing,moving, and repeating a note,and for copying a note to anotherday.• Settings to set, for example thedate, time, date format or timeformat. In the Auto-deleteoption, you can set the phone toautomatically delete old notesafter a specified time. However,the repeat notes, for example,birthday notes, will not bedeleted.