O t h e r f u n c t i o n sCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 57• Save to save the time. Key in aname for the measured timeand press OK. If no name iskeyed in, the total time is usedas the title.• Reset to reset the timewithout saving it.Lap timesPress Menu, select Extras,Stopwatch, and Lap timing. PressStart to start the stopwatch andLap to take a lap time. Press Stop tostop timing. Press Options and youcan save or reset the lap times. Referto ”Timing and time splitting” onpage 56.Viewing and erasing timesPress Menu, select Extras andStopwatch.If the stopwatch has not been reset,you can select Show last to view themost recently measured time. SelectView times and a list of names or thefinal times of the time sets is shown.Select the time set you want to view.To delete the saved times, pressOptions and select Delete times.Select All at once and press OK, orselect One by one and scroll to thetimes you want to delete. PressDelete and press OK.■ Alarm clockThe alarm clock uses the time formatset for the clock. The alarm clockworks even when the phone isswitched off.Press Menu, select Organiser andAlarm clock. Key in the alarm timeand press OK. To change the timeafter the alarm time has been set,select On.Note that after you have set thealarm, you can switch off the phone,and it will still sound an alarm at theset time.When the alarm time expiresThe phone will sound an alert tone,and Alarm! and the alarm time willflash on the display.Press Stop to stop the alarm. If youlet the alarm continue for a minuteor press Snooze, the alarm stops fora few minutes and then resumes.If the alarm time is reached whilethe phone is switched off, the phoneswitches itself on and startssounding the alarm tone. If you pressStop, the phone asks whether youwant to activate the phone for calls.Press No to switch off the phone orYes to make and receive calls.Note: Do not press Yeswhen wireless phone use isprohibited or when it maycause interference ordanger.