To divert calls to your voice mailbox,select a call type, a diverting option,andOptions > Activate > To voicemailbox.To divert calls to another phonenumber, select a call type, a divertingoption, and Options > Activate > Toother number. Enter the number, orselect Find to retrieve a number savedin Contacts.To check the current diverting status,scroll to the diverting option, and selectOptions > Check status.To stop diverting calls, scroll to thediverting option, and select Options >Deactivate.Call barringSelect Menu > Ctrl. panel > Settingsand Phone > Call barring.You can bar the calls that can be madeor received with the device (networkservice). To modify the settings, youneed the barring password from yourservice provider. Call barring affects allcall types.Select from the following voice callbarring settings:Outgoing calls — Prevent makingvoice calls with your device.Incoming calls — Prevent incomingcalls.International calls — Prevent callingto foreign countries or regions.Incoming calls when roaming— Prevent incoming calls when outsideyour home country.International calls except to homecountry — Prevent calls to foreigncountries or regions, but allow calls toyour home country.To check the status of voice call barrings,select the barring option andOptions > Check status.To deactivate all voice call barrings,select a barring option and Options >Deactivate all barrings.To change the password used forbarring voice, fax, and data calls, selectOptions > Edit barring password.Enter the current code, then the newcode twice. The barring password mustMake calls 35© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.