History — Find previously translatedwords from the current session.Languages — Change the source ortarget language, download languagesfrom the internet, or remove a languagefrom the dictionary. You cannot removethe English language from thedictionary. You can have two additionallanguages installed, besides English.Speech — Edit the voice featuresettings. You can adjust the speed andvolume of the voice.NotesSelect Menu > Office > Notes.You can create and send notes to othercompatible devices, and save receivedplain text files (TXT file format) to Notes.To write a note, start entering the text.The note editor opens automatically.To open a note, select Open.To send a note to other compatibledevices, select Options > Send.To synchronise or to definesynchronisation settings for a note,select Options > Synchronisation.Select Start to initialise synchronisationor Settings to define thesynchronisation settings for the note.Positioning (GPS)You can use applications such as GPSdata to find out your location ormeasure distances. These applicationsrequire a GPS connection.About GPSThe Global Positioning System (GPS) isoperated by the government of theUnited States, which is solelyresponsible for its accuracy andmaintenance. The accuracy of locationdata can be affected by adjustments toGPS satellites made by the United Statesgovernment and is subject to changewith the United States Department ofDefense civil GPS policy and the FederalRadionavigation Plan. Accuracy can alsobe affected by poor satellite geometry.Availability and quality of GPS signalsmay be affected by your location,buildings, natural obstacles, andweather conditions. GPS signals maynot be available inside buildings or96 Positioning (GPS)© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.