Video sharingUse video sharing (network service) tosend live video or a video clip from yourmobile device to another compatiblemobile device during a voice call.The loudspeaker is active when youactivate video sharing. If you do notwant to use the loudspeaker for thevoice call while you share video, you canalso use a compatible headset.Warning:Continuous exposure to high volumemay damage your hearing. Listen tomusic at a moderate level, and do nothold the device near your ear when theloudspeaker is in use.Video sharing requirementsVideo sharing requires a 3G connection.For more information on the service, 3Gnetwork availability, and feesassociated with using this service,contact your service provider.To use video sharing you must do thefollowing:• Ensure that your device is set up forperson-to-person connections.• Ensure you have an active 3Gconnection and are within 3Gnetwork coverage. If you moveoutside the 3G network during avideo sharing session, the sharingstops while your voice callcontinues.• Ensure that both the sender andrecipient are registered to the 3Gnetwork. If you invite someone to asharing session and the recipient’sdevice is not within 3G networkcoverage, does not have videosharing installed, or person-to-person connections set up, therecipient does not receiveinvitations. You receive an errormessage that indicates that therecipient cannot accept theinvitation.SettingsTo set up video sharing, you needperson-to-person and 3G connectionsettings.Person-to-person connectionsettingsA person-to-person connection is alsoknown as a Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) connection. The SIP profile settingsMake calls 39© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.