Encrypt your device or memory card toprevent outsiders from accessing yourimportant information.Encrypt device memory or memorycardTo encrypt the device memory, selectPhone memory.To encrypt the memory card, selectMemory card and from the following:Encrypt without saving key — Encryptthe memory card without saving theencryption key. If you select this option,you cannot use the memory card inother devices, and if you restore factorysettings, you cannot decrypt thememory card.Encrypt and save key — Encrypt thememory card and save the key manuallyin the default folder. For security, storethe key to a safe place outside thedevice. For example, you can send thekey to your computer. Enter a passphrase for the key and a name for thekey file. The pass phrase should be longand complex.Encrypt with restored key — Encryptthe memory card with a key you havereceived. Select the key file, and enterthe pass phrase.Decrypt device memory or memorycardAlways remember to decrypt the devicememory and/or the memory cardbefore updating the device software.To decrypt the device memory, selectPhone memory.To decrypt the memory card withoutdestroying the encryption key, selectMemory card > Decrypt.To decrypt the memory card and destroythe encryption key, select Memorycard > Decrypt and turn offencryption.Fixed diallingSelect Menu > Contacts and Options >SIM numbers > Fixed dial contacts.With the fixed dialling service, you canrestrict calls from your device to certainphone numbers. Not all SIM cardssupport the fixed dialling service. Formore information, contact your serviceprovider.Security and data management 131© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.