power. In the display settings, youcan change the length of the time-out period after which the backlightis switched off. Select Menu > Ctrl.panel > Settings and General >Personalisation > Display >Light time-out. To adjust the lightsensor that observes lightingconditions and adjusts the displaybrightness, in the display settings,select Light sensor.• To save power, activate the powersave mode. Press the power key,and select Activate power saving.To deactivate it, press the powerkey, and select Deactivate powersaving. You may not be able tochange the settings of certainapplications when the power savemode is activated.Free memoryTo view how much memory is availablefor different data types, select Menu >Office > File mgr..Many features of the device use memoryto store data. The device notifies you ifavailable memory is low.To free memory, transfer data to analternative memory (if available) orcompatible computer.To remove data you no longer need, useFile manager or the respectiveapplication. You can remove thefollowing:• Messages in the folders inMessaging and retrieved e-mailmessages from the mailbox• Saved web pages• Contact information• Calendar notes• Applications shown in Applicationmanager that you do not need• Installation files (with .sis or .sisxfile extensions) of installedapplications. Back up theinstallation files to a compatiblecomputer.• Images and video clips in Photos.Protect the environmentSave energyYou do not need to charge your batteryso often if you do the following:176 Protect the environment© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.