The converter has limited accuracy, androunding errors may occur.Convert measurementsSelect Menu > Office > Converter.1 Scroll to the type field, and selectOptions > Conversion type toopen a list of measures. Select themeasurement type to use (otherthan currency) and OK.2 Scroll to the first unit field, andselect Options > Select unit. Selectthe unit from which to convert andOK. Scroll to the next unit field, andselect the unit to which to convert.3 Scroll to the first amount field, andenter the value to convert. Theother amount field changesautomatically to show theconverted value.Set base currency and exchange rateSelect Menu > Office > Converter.When you change base currency, youmust enter new exchange rates becauseall previously set exchange rates arecleared.Before you can make currencyconversions, you must choose a basecurrency and add exchange rates. Therate of the base currency is always 1. Thebase currency determines theconversion rates of the other currencies.1 To set the exchange rate for the unitof currency, scroll to the type field,and select Options > Currencyrates.2 Scroll to the currency type, andenter the exchange rate you wouldlike to set per single unit ofcurrency.3 To change the base currency, scrollto the currency, and selectOptions > Set as base currency.4 Select Yes > Done to save thechanges.After you have set all the necessaryexchange rates, you can make currencyconversions.Zip managerSelect Menu > Office > Zip.With Zip manager, you can create newarchive files to store compressed ZIPformatted files; add single or multiple82 Nokia Office Tools© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.