menu, select Options > Settings >Internet > Connection > Offline.About positioning methodsMaps displays your location on the mapusing GPS, A-GPS, or cell ID basedpositioning.The Global Positioning System (GPS) is asatellite-based navigation system usedfor calculating your location. AssistedGPS (A-GPS) is a network service thatsends you GPS data, improving thespeed and accuracy of the positioning.When you use Maps for the first time,you are prompted to define an internetaccess point to download mapinformation or use A-GPS.indicates the availability ofthe satellite signals. One bar is onesatellite. When the device is searchingfor satellite signals, the bar is yellow.When there is enough data available tocalculate your location, the bar turnsgreen. The more green bars, the morereliable the location calculation.The Global Positioning System (GPS) isoperated by the government of theUnited States, which is solelyresponsible for its accuracy andmaintenance. The accuracy of locationdata can be affected by adjustments toGPS satellites made by the United Statesgovernment and is subject to changewith the United States Department ofDefense civil GPS policy and the FederalRadionavigation Plan. Accuracy can alsobe affected by poor satellite geometry.Availability and quality of GPS signalsmay be affected by your location,buildings, natural obstacles, andweather conditions. GPS signals maynot be available inside buildings orunderground and may be impaired bymaterials such as concrete and metal.GPS should not be used for preciselocation measurement, and you shouldnever rely solely on location data fromthe GPS receiver and cellular radionetworks for positioning or navigation.The trip meter has limited accuracy, androunding errors may occur. Accuracy canalso be affected by availability andquality of GPS signals.With cell ID based positioning, theposition is determined through theantenna tower your mobile device iscurrently connected to.94 Maps© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.