IndexAaccess points 60, 97ad hoc network 68answering calls 45application manager 84applicationscommon actions 25attachments 31audio files 89authority certificates 105automatic answer 101Bbarring calls 45barring password 104batterycharge level 18charging 12Ccable 62calculator 82calendar 57calling 44callsbarring 45diverting 45settings 96cells 78certificates 105charging the battery 12chart sheets 78chat 40clock 59connecting to the Internet 60connection manager 68connection methodsBluetooth 63contactsadding 54copying information 55default information 55groups 54ringing tones 55copying text 24Ddataconnections 67declining calls 45displayindicators 18settings 96diverting calls 45documents 75EIndexe:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/yukitaka/28303739/rm-89_smailer/en/issue_5/rm-89_smailer_en_5.xml Page 116 Dec 26, 2006 11:32:31 AM