To bar calls, select Cellular call barring and select fromthe following options:• Outgoing calls — Prevent making voice calls withyour device.• Incoming calls — Bar incoming calls.• International calls — Prevent calling to foreigncountries or regions.• Incoming if abroad — Bar incoming calls whenoutside your home country.• Intern. except home — Prevent calls to foreigncountries or regions, but to allow calls to your homecountry.To check the status of voice call barrings, scroll to thebarring option, and select Options > Check status.To stop all voice call barrings, scroll to a barring option,and select Options > Cancel all barrings.Net call barringTo bar net calls, select Menu > Tools > Settings > Callbarring > Internet call barring.if the recipient has a compatible mobile phone with avideo camera. A video call can only be made betweentwo parties.Warning: Do not hold the device near your earwhen the loudspeaker is in use, because the volumemay be extremely loud.Select the still image to be sent in Tools > Settings >Call > Image in video call.To make a video call, enter the phone number or selectthe recipient of the call from Contacts, and selectOptions > Call > Video call. You cannot convert the videocall to a normal voice call.During the call, select Options and from the following:• Audio — Talk to the recipient of the call.• Use video — See video without audio.• Loudsp. — Select to use the loudspeaker forreceiving audio.• Handset — Mute the loudspeaker and use thehandset.Make callsle:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/yukitaka/28303739/rm-89_smailer/en/issue_5/rm-89_smailer_en_5.xml Page 46 Dec 26, 2006 11:32:31 AMle:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/yukitaka/28303739/rm-89_smailer/en/issue_5/rm-89_smailer_en_5.xml Page 46 Dec 26, 2006 11:32:31 AM