To bar calls, select Cellular call barring and select fromthe following options:• Outgoing calls — Prevent making voice calls withyour device.• Incoming calls — Bar incoming calls.• International calls — Prevent calling to foreigncountries or regions.• Incoming if abroad — Bar incoming calls whenoutside your home country.• Intern. except home — Prevent calls to foreigncountries or regions, but to allow calls to your homecountry.To check the status of voice call barrings, scroll to thebarring option, and select Options > Check status.To stop all voice call barrings, scroll to a barring option,and select Options > Cancel all barrings.Net call barringTo bar net calls, select Menu > Tools > Settings > Callbarring > Internet call phone. The video image captured by the camerain your device is shown to the video call recipient. Avideo call can only be made between two parties.Warning: Do not hold the device near your earwhen the loudspeaker is in use, because the volumemay be extremely loud.To make a video call, enter the phone number or selectthe recipient of the call from Contacts, and selectOptions > Call > Video call. When the video call starts,the camera of your device is activated. If the camera isalready in use, video sending is disabled. If the recipientof the call does not want to send a video back to you, astill image is shown instead. You can define the stillimage in Tools > Settings > Call settings > Image invideo call. You cannot convert the video call to a normalvoice call.During the call, select Options and from the following:• Disable — Select to disable Sending audio, Sendingvideo or Sending audio & video.• Activate loudsp. — Select to use the loudspeaker forreceiving audio.Make callsfile:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/zmao/33167043/rm-10_zeus/en/issue_2/rm-10_zeus_en_2.xml Page 28 Apr 19, 2006 9:43:04 AMfile:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/zmao/33167043/rm-10_zeus/en/issue_2/rm-10_zeus_en_2.xml Page 28 Apr 19, 2006 9:43:04 AM