To remove an IM group, press the clear key.Ban from groupsScroll to the IM group, and select Options > Group >Settings > Banned list.To prevent IM users from joining the group, selectOptions > Add to banned list and from the following:• From IM contacts — Ban one or several of your IMcontacts.• Enter user ID — Enter the ID of the IM user.To allow a banned user to join the group, selectOptions > Remove.IM contactsWhen login to an IM service is complete, your contactlist for the service provider is retrieved automatically. Ifyour contact list is not available, wait a few minutes andtry to retrieve your contacts list manually.Tip: The online status of your IM contacts isshown by an indicator next to the contactScroll to an IM contact, select Options and from thefollowing:• Open conversation — Start or continue instantmessaging with the contact.• Contact details — View the contact card.• Editing options — Edit or delete the contact card,move it to another contact list, or receive a notewhen the contact's online status changes.• Belongs to groups — See the IM groups the contacthas joined.• New contact list — Create a contact list for a specificgroup of IM contacts.• Reload users' availab. — Update the online status ofyour IM contacts.• Blocking options — Prevent or allow the receptionof messages from the contact.• Login — Connect to an instant messaging server ifyou did not log in when you opened the application.• Logout — Disconnect from the IM server.• Settings — Edit instant messaging application orserver settings.The available options may vary.Messagesfile:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/zmao/33167043/rm-10_zeus/en/issue_2/rm-10_zeus_en_2.xml Page 53 Apr 19, 2006 9:43:04 AMfile:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/zmao/33167043/rm-10_zeus/en/issue_2/rm-10_zeus_en_2.xml Page 53 Apr 19, 2006 9:43:04 AM