• Trip dist. — View your traveling information such asthe distance and duration you have traveled andyour average and maximum speeds.LandmarksSelect Menu > Tools > Landmarks.Landmarks are coordinates to geographic locationsthat you can save to your device for later use in differentlocation-based services. You can create landmarksusing a Bluetooth GPS enhancement or network(network service). See "Navigator," p. 98.To create a landmark, select Options > New landmark.Select Current position to make a network request forthe latitude and longitude coordinates of your currentlocation or Enter manually to fill in the necessarylocation information such as a name, category, address,latitude, longitude and altitude.To delete a landmark, scroll to it, and press the clear key.For more information, see the extended User's Guide onthe Web.• Voice tags are sensitive to background noise. Recordvoice tags and use them in a quiet environment.• Very short names are not accepted. Use long names,and avoid similar names for different numbers.Note: Using voice tags may be difficult in a noisyenvironment or during an emergency, so you shouldnot rely solely upon voice dialing in all circumstances.Select Menu > Tools > Voice commands.Use voice commands to make phone calls and to launchapplications, profiles, or other functions on the device.The device creates a voice tag for the entries in thecontacts list and for the functions designated in theVoice commands application. When a voice commandis spoken, the device compares the spoken words to thevoice tag in the device.Use a voice command to make acallThe voice tag for a contact is the name or nickname thatToolsfile:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/zmao/33167043/rm-10_zeus/en/issue_2/rm-10_zeus_en_2.xml Page 99 Apr 19, 2006 9:43:04 AMfile:///C:/USERS/MODEServer/zmao/33167043/rm-10_zeus/en/issue_2/rm-10_zeus_en_2.xml Page 99 Apr 19, 2006 9:43:04 AM