Make calls61Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.compatible headset with the headset key, press andhold the headset key to start voice dialing.2 A short tone is played, and Speak now is displayed. Sayclearly the name or nickname that is saved on thecontact card.3 The device plays a synthesized voice tag for therecognized contact in the selected device language,and displays the name and number. After a timeout of2.5 seconds, the device dials the number.If the recognized contact was not correct, select Nextto view a list of other matches, or Quit to cancel voicedialing.If several numbers are saved under the name, the deviceselects the default number, if it has been set. Otherwisethe device selects the first available number of thefollowing: Mobile, Mobile (home), Mobile (business),Telephone, Tel. (home), and Tel. (business).Video callsWhen you make a video call (network service), you can seea real-time, two-way video between you and the recipientof the call. The live video image, or video image capturedby the camera in your device is shown to the video callrecipient.To be able to make a video call, you must have a USIM cardand be in the coverage of a UMTS network. For availabilityof and subscription to video call services, contact yournetwork operator or service provider.A video call can only be made between two parties. Thevideo call can be made to a compatible mobile device oran ISDN client. Video calls cannot be made while anothervoice, video, or data call is active.Icons:You are not receiving video (the recipient is notsending video or the network is not transmitting it).You have denied video sending from your device. Tosend a still image instead, see ‘Call settings’, p. 95.Even if you denied video sending during a video call, thecall is still charged as a video call. Check the pricing withyour network operator or service provider.1 To start a video call,enter the phone numberin the standby mode, orselect Contacts and acontact.2 Select Options > Call >Video call.Starting a video call maytake a while. Waiting forvideo image is shown. If thecall is not successful (forexample, video calls are not supported by the network, or