12FEATURES OF THE CONSOLEThe state-of-the-art console offers an impressive arrayof features. When the manual mode of the console isselected, the resistance of the pedals and the angle ofthe ramp can be changed with the touch of a button.As you exercise, the console will provide continuousexercise feedback. You can even measure your heartrate using the handgrip pulse sensor or the chestpulse sensor.The console also offers six certified personal trainerprograms. Each program automatically changes theresistance of the pedals and prompts you to increaseor decrease your pace as it guides you through aneffective workout.In addition, the console features two heart rate controlprograms that automatically change the resistance ofthe pedals and prompt you to vary your pace to keepyour heart rate near a target level as you exercise.The console even measures your body fat percentage,provides custom programs based on personal datathat you enter, and displays your fat burning or weightloss progress.The console also features iFIT.com interactive technol-ogy. Having iFIT.com interactive technology is like hav-ing a personal trainer in your home. Using the includedaudio cable, you can connect the elliptical exerciser toyour home stereo, portable stereo, computer, or VCRand play special iFIT.com CD and video programs(iFIT.com CDs and videocassettes are available sepa-rately). iFIT.com CD and video programs automaticallycontrol the resistance of the pedals and prompt you tovary your pace as a personal trainer coaches youthrough every step of your workout. High-energy musicprovides added motivation. To purchase iFIT.comCDs and videocassettes, visit our Web site atwww.iFIT.com.With the elliptical exerciser connected to your comput-er, you can also go to our Web site at www.iFIT.comand access programs directly from the internet.Explore www.iFIT.com for more information.To use the manual mode of the console, see page13. To use a personal trainer program, see page15. To use a heart rate program, see page 16. Touse an iFIT.com CD or video program, see page 21.To use a program from our Web site, see page 22.To measure your body fat percentage, see page 23.To use a custom program based on personal datethat you enter, see page 24. To review your fatburning or weight loss progress, see page 25.CONSOLE DIAGRAMNote: If there is a sheet of clear plastic on the face of the console, remove it before using the console.