18To use iFIT.com CDs, the elliptical exerciser must beconnected to your portable CD player, portable stereo,home stereo, or computer with CD player. See pages18 and 19 for connecting instructions. To use iFIT.comvideocassettes, the elliptical exerciser must be con-nected to your VCR. See page 20 for connectinginstructions. To use iFIT.com programs directly fromour Web site, the elliptical exerciser must be connect-ed to your computer. See page 19.HOW TO CONNECT YOUR PORTABLE CD PLAYERNote: If your CD player has separate LINE OUT andPHONES jacks, see instruction A below. If your CDplayer has only one jack, see instruction B.A. Plug one end of the audio cable into the jackbeneath the console. Plug the other end of theaudio cable into the LINE OUT jack on your CDplayer. Plug your headphones into the PHONESjack.B. Plug one end of the audio cable into the jackbeneath the console. Plug the other end of theaudio cable into the splitter. Plug the splitter into thePHONES jack on your CD player. Plug your head-phones into the other side of the splitter.HOW TO CONNECT YOUR PORTABLE STEREONote: If your stereo has an RCA-type AUDIO OUTjack, see instruction A below. If your stereo has a3.5mm LINE OUT jack, see instruction B. If yourstereo has only a PHONES jack, see instruction C.A. Plug one end of the audio cable into the jackbeneath the console. Plug the other end of theaudio cable into the Adaptor. Plug the Adaptor intoan AUDIO OUT jack on your stereo.B. See the drawing above. Plug one end of the audiocable into the jack beneath the console. Plug theother end of the audio cable into the LINE OUT jackon your stereo. Do not use the adaptor.C. Plug one end of the audio cable into the jackbeneath the console. Plug the other end of theaudio cable into the splitter. Plug the splitter into thePHONES jack on your stereo. Plug your head-phones into the other side of the splitter.HOW TO CONNECT YOUR CD PLAYER, VCR,OR COMPUTERLINE OUTPHONES LINE OUTPHONESAudioCableHead-phonesAPHONESPHONESAudioCable SplitterHeadphonesBAUDIO OUTRIGHTLEFTAudioCable AdaptorA/BPHONESAudioCableCSplitterHeadphones