9HOW TO USE THE ELLIPTICAL CROSSTRAINEREXERCISING ON THE ELLIPTICAL CROSSTRAINERTo mount the elliptical crosstrainer, hold the handgrippulse sensor and step onto the pedal that is in thelowest position. Next, step onto the other pedal. Pushthe pedals until they begin to move with a continuousmotion. Note: The pedal disks can turn in eitherdirection. It is recommended that you turn thepedal disks in the direction shown by the arrowbelow; however, to give variety to your exercise,you may turn the pedal disks in the oppositedirection.To dismount the elliptical crosstrainer, wait until thepedals come to a complete stop. The ellipticalcrosstrainer does not have a free wheel; the ped-als will continue to move until the flywheel stops.When the pedals are stationary, step off the highestpedal first. Then, step off the lowest pedal.HOW TO ADJUST THE PEDALSThe motion of thepedals is deter-mined by theirpositions on thespring arms. Theirare five differentpedal positions. Toadjust the pedals,first loosen theknob beneatheach pedal. Slidethe pedals forwardor backward to thedesired position,and then retightenthe knobs. Makesure that both pedals are in the same position.HOW TO USE THE UPPER BODY ARMSThe upper bodyarms are designedto add upper-bodyexercise to yourworkouts. As youexercise, pushand pull the upperbody arms in orderto work your arms,back, and shoul-ders. To exerciseonly your lowerbody, hold thehandgrip pulsesensor as youexercise.PedalPedal DiskHandgripPulse SensorUpper Body ArmsHandgripPulseSensorKnobPedal