6-050700 X2 25212iLW & 242iLW Standalone KeypadInstallation & Programming Manual8. TroubleshootingRefer to this section if the keypad is not operating correctly asdescribed in this manual.Problem SolutionThe LEDs areslowly cycling fromright to left andbacklighting is off.The keypad is designed to monitor the inputvoltage and this is an indication of under-voltage.The under-voltage threshold is set to 8.5 VDC,and when the voltage drops below this limit, thelow voltage warning starts and backlighting isturned off. To solve, raise the voltage to between12-24 V.The LEDs arerapidly cycling fromleft to right and thekeypad has lost alloperation.The keypad is designed to monitor the inputvoltage, and this is an indication of over-voltage.The over-voltage threshold is set to 36 VDC, andwhen the voltage rises above this limit, the over-voltage warning starts and the keypad loses alloperation. To solve, lower the voltage to between12-24 V.The master codedoes not work.Perform the programming mode loopback andreset the master code using the programmingcommand.No LEDs are lit onthe keypad.Power is not reaching the keypad. Using avoltmeter, confirm that there is voltage at thekeypad on the red and black wires. If there is novoltage at the keypad, verify that there is voltageat the power supply. If there is no voltage at thepower supply, call the manufacturer of the powersupply. If there is voltage at the power supplybut not at the keypad, verify there is no breakin the wires, then check continuity in the wholelength of the wire run. To verify that the keypadis working, you can power the keypad with a12-Volt Battery.DEALERS/INSTALLERS ONLY! End users must contact thedealer/installer for support. If the keypad still does not workafter troubleshooting, please call the Technical Servicesdepartment at 1-800-421-1587.