Installation procedures 171Note: Switches 7 and 8 are not used.Start the Clock ControllerThe clock controller, when first enabled, is in free run mode. It stays in thismode for several minutes before being switched to tracking mode. Manualmode setting is possible using LD 60.All clock controllers begin tracking within approximately 15 minutes.Clock Controller commandsDuring the installation procedure you will use some of the clock controllercommands available in LD 39 and LD 60. Refer to Software Input OutputReference — Maintenance (NN43001-711).LD 39 commands with the NTRB53 Clock ControllerCommand DescriptionDIS SCG x Disable SCG card x (0 or 1).Not applicable for NTRB53 Clock Controller. Use LD 60 instead.ENL SCG x Enable SCG x (0 or 1).Not applicable for NTRB53 Clock Controller. Use LD 60 instead.SCLK Switch clock to other SCG.Functions with NTRB53 Clock ControllerSTAT SCG x Print status of SCG x (0 or 1).Prints normal status of NTRB53 (not full status)Install or replace a Clock Controller on a Half Group and Single GroupsystemProcedure 18 "Install a clock controller for Half Group and Single GroupSystems." (page 171) outlines the steps to install a clock controller on HalfGroup and Single Group systems.Procedure 18Install a clock controller for Half Group and Single Group Systems.Step Action1 Unpack and inspect the circuit card.2 Determine the cabinet and shelf location. Refer to Table 64 "ClockController shelves and slots" (page 169).3 Set the clock controller switch. Refer to Table 65 "Clock Controllerswitch settings for QPC471 vintage H" (page 169), Table 66 "ClockController switch settings for QPC775" (page 170), or Table 67"Clock Controller switch settings for NTRB53" (page 170).Nortel Communication Server 1000ISDN Primary Rate Interface Installation and CommissioningNN43001-301 02.03 StandardRelease 5.5 7 December 2007Copyright © 2003-2007, Nortel Networks.