184 ISL installationDedicated mode using dialup modemIn this configuration, the DCHI or MSDL is connected to a modem which isconnected to a 500 set line card. See Figure 73 "ISL dedicated mode, usingdialup Hayes Smartmodem 2400" (page 186). The call is connected to thefar end through the analog (500/2500 type set) -to-TIE trunk path.To set up the D-channel, program the modem at one end in the autodialmode, so it automatically initiates a call to the other end at power up. Theautodial DN must be coordinated with personnel at the far end switch.Install a modem for ISL applicationsThe modem software and hardware must be installed sequentially. Themodem software must be defined before the hardware connection betweenthe modem and the system can be made. Within the software installation,either the autodial or the auto-answer software can be set up first. Figure72 "ISL dedicated mode: using dialup Hayes Smartmodem 2400" (page184) shows the hardware configuration between two PBXs and theircorresponding modems.Figure 72ISL dedicated mode: using dialup Hayes Smartmodem 2400Examples of parameters used for actual auto-answer and autodial sites areshown in the following tables (note that the Hayes Smartmodem has beenused.) Table 68 "Active and stored profiles of the autodial or originatingmodem" (page 185) shows the active and stored profiles of the autodial site(or the originating modem). Table 69 "Active and stored profiles of the autoanswer or terminating modem" (page 185) shows the active and storedprofiles of the auto-answer site (or the terminating modem). The HayesSmartmodem User Guide contains explanations of the parameters used inNortel Communication Server 1000ISDN Primary Rate Interface Installation and CommissioningNN43001-301 02.03 StandardRelease 5.5 7 December 2007Copyright © 2003-2007, Nortel Networks.