Install PRI hardware 209Installing the NTAK09Refer to Table 74 "Shelf slot assignments for NTRB21, NTAK09, andNTAK20" (page 202) to determine the slot assignment for the NTAK09DTI/PRI circuit card appropriate to the system.The NTAK09 DTI/PRI card is installed only in the Media Gateway. It is notsupported in the Media Gateway Expansion.Procedure 29Installing the NTAK09Step Action1 Check for available card slots in the base and expansion cabinets,and Media Gateway systems and print the configuration record todetermine which slots can be used. To do this, enter the followingcommand in LD 22:PRT CFN2 Hold the NTAK09 by the lock latch, unlock the latch, and slide thecard into the cabinet.Note: Refer to Table 74 "Shelf slot assignments for NTRB21,NTAK09, and NTAK20" (page 202) to determine the correct slotin which to insert the card.—End—The only cable required to support the NTAK09 DTI/PRI circuit card is theNTBK04 cable. The cable is twenty feet long. If additional distance isrequired, the NT8D97AX fifty-foot extension is available up to a 600 footmaximum. Table 76 "DS-1 line interface pinout for NTBK04 cable" (page210) gives pinout information for the NTBK04.Procedure 30Connecting the cablesStep Action1 Connect the NTBK04 cable to a 50-pin Amphenol connector on thecabinet.For a Small System, the Amphenol connector is located below thecard slot in which the NTAK09 circuit card is installed.2 Connect the other end of the cable to the CSU or DSX-1 crossconnect.Nortel Communication Server 1000ISDN Primary Rate Interface Installation and CommissioningNN43001-301 02.03 StandardRelease 5.5 7 December 2007Copyright © 2003-2007, Nortel Networks.