126 Maintenance and diagnosticsMaintain PRI digital trunk loopsPRI digital trunk loop maintenance is supported by the PRI Gateway. SeeProcedure 48 “Maintaining PRI digital trunk loops using LD 60” (page 126).Procedure 48Maintaining PRI digital trunk loops using LD 60Step Action1 Log on to the CS 1000E.2 To access LD 60, enter:LD 603 Enter the commands shown in Table 35 "Digital trunk loopmaintenance (LD 60)" (page 126).Table 35Digital trunk loop maintenance (LD 60)Command DescriptionDISI loop Disable loop when all channels are idle.DISL loop Disable network and DTI/PRI cards of loop.DSCH l ch Disable channel ch of loop.DSYL loop Disable yellow alarm processing for loop.ENCH loop Enable all channels on 2.0 Mb/s DTI/PRI.ENCH l ch Enable channel ch of DTI/PRI loop.ENLL loop Enable network and DTI/PRI cards of loop.ENYL loop Enable yellow alarm processing for loop.SLFT loop Invoke hardware self-test on loop.SLFT l ch Invoke partial hardware self-test on channel ch.LCNT (loop) List contents of alarm counters on one or all DTI/PRI loopsRLBK loop Close loop at carrier interface point of testing. (The card must bedisabled.)RLBK loop ch Close channel ch at carrier interface point. (The channel must bedisabled.)STAT Get status of all loops.STAT loop Get status of DTI/PRI loopSTAT loop ch Get status of channelDLBK loop Disable remote loop back testDLBK l ch Disable remote loop back test.RCNT Reset alarm counters of all DTi/PRI loops.Nortel Communication Server 1000Media Gateway 1000E PRI Gateway Installation and CommissioningNN43041-311 04.01 4 June 2010Copyright © 2007-2010 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.