10 About the IP Phone 1140E— send (located in the middle of the navigation key, this key is mappedto execute the current function of the left soft key)• multifield LCD screen— adjustable contrast— backlight• three audio modes— handsfree speak and listen— headset (autodetect and Bluetooth support)— handset• one USB port— mouse support (any make standard device class)— keyboard support (any make standard device class)• automatic network configuration• upgradeable firmware• wideband audio support"IP Phone 1140E components" (page 11) identifies the location of the keysand components of the IP Phone.Carrier VoIPNortel IP Phone 1140E User GuideNN10300-023 01.03 Standard(I)SN09U 13 April 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks Nortel Networks Confidential.