Book B-23Chapter 1 Network AdministrationRemote Annex Administrator’s Guide for UNIXBook BTesting the NetworkThe superuser CLI ping command tests and measures the LAN. Also, itcan isolate a single-point hardware or software failure. The pingcommand sends out an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echorequest packet each second, or until input from the terminal terminatesthe command. After completing, ping displays a summary of all echoreplies received. This display includes a calculation of the time, inmilliseconds, that it takes to return the message (if the number of databytes is 8 or greater). Table B-11 lists the arguments for this commandThe syntax is:ping [–artv] host [databytes [count]]Table B-11. Arguments for the ping Command(continued on next page)Argument Description–a Generates AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP) echo requestpackets to a target node.–r Bypasses the normal routing table and sends the messagedirectly to a host on an attached network. An error returns if thehost is not on a directly attached network.–t Traces the path of a packet from the local host to the destinationhost and back, displaying information about each router in thepath. This option allows you to see whether a packet arrived atand/or returned from its remote destination and, if not, where itstopped. The option is based on the Traceroute facilitydescribed in RFC 1393 (see Using the –t (traceroute) Option onpage A-165 for more details).You can use –t with the –r and/or –v argument(s), but not with–a.