Remote Annex Administrator’s Guide for UNIXChapter 1 Network AdministrationBook B-36Book BOther tools for managing the host table are:• The CLI hosts –n and hosts –f commands.The hosts –n command displays name server information; hosts–f flushes all, or specified, entries in the host table.• The na or CLI admin command reset annex nameserver.The reset annex nameserver command resets all name serverparameters discussed in this section and flushes all entries fromthe host table.Flushing the host table and resetting the name server doesnot remove down-loaded entries from the gatewaysection of the Annex configuration file.Additionally, the gateway section of the configurationfile permits a line entry containing a host name that isassociated with an IP Address. This entry is identical tothe /etc/hosts file entry, except aliasing is not supported.When the Annex boots, it adds this host name entry to thehost table. Each entry lives in the host table until anameserver overrides the information or until theadministrator resets the Annex nameserver using the naor CLI admin commands. For more information, seeLoading the Host Table from the Configuration File onpage A-357.Disabling Software ModulesThe Annex parameter disabled_modules allows you to disable individualsoftware modules to free memory space. If you enter more than onemodule, separate module names using commas. Valid options are admin,atalk, dialout, edit, fingerd, ftpd, ipx, lat, nameserver, ppp, slip, snmp,tn3270, tstty, vci, all, or none. The default is vci (disables the AnnexVMS interface).