Book B-31Chapter 1 Network AdministrationRemote Annex Administrator’s Guide for UNIXBook BThe who command display looks like this:annex01# whoWhen the command is issued for a 4.3BSD host, the display is the sameas for the finger command executed at the host. Using the who command,you can obtain a significant amount of information on users and theiractivities in the network. For example:• All users connecting to or from a specific host(s).• A single user or a group of users connected to the Annex.• All users connected to specific port or virtual CLI.• A specific user (who user@host) or all users (who @host)logged into a specific host.Using abbreviations, you can display a range of hosts or user names.Displaying Annex StatisticsThe CLI stats command displays general Annex statistics, or statisticsfor one or more serial ports (see stats on page A-184 for more details).A typical stats command display for a Remote Annex on an Ethernetnetwork looks like this:Port What User Location When Idle Address1 CLI bob Ext 528 8:44am [local]2 CLI --- --- 9:02am [local]4 LPD --- --- 9:45am oaxaca6 ARAP cobb P-01-03-con 9:59am [local]16 PSVR cody lpq port 10:00am :43 supportv1 CLI ellis Ext 632 10:00am :41 CLI carey --- 10:43am