Book B-33Chapter 1 Network AdministrationRemote Annex Administrator’s Guide for UNIXBook BThe stats –p command displays statistics for all parallel ports:annex01# stats –pThe superuser stats –c command clears all serial line statistics to zero.The stats –m command displays statistics for active control lines, butdisplays the modem controls for inactive control lines rather thandisplaying idle.annex01# stats –mMonitoring Serial Line ActivityThe Annex provides two superuser CLI commands that displayinformation about the state of the Annex’s serial ports: control and tap(see control on page A-141 and tap on page A-205 for more details).The superuser CLI control command is a diagnostic tool that, for aspecified port, allows you to set DTR and RTS or output a short testmessage. The superuser CLI tap command accesses (wire taps) a serialport from a terminal.The tap command will not work with PPP.P# Type CharTx Status1 CT 576 selected, paper error, busy2 DP 1318 selectedtotal 1894P# Control Lines Speed CharTxCharRxParityOverrunFraming1 CTS RTS DTR DCD DSR9600 0 0 0 0 02 CTS TRS DTR DCD DSR9600 0 0 0 0 03 cts RTS DTR dcd dsr9600 0 0 0 0 04 cts RTS DTR dcd dsr9600 0 0 0 0 05 cts RTS DTR dcd dsr9600 0 0 0 0 0:64 cts RTS DTR dcd dsr9600 0 0 0 0 0