IP Softphone 2050 Call Control window18Outbox/Shift To toggle between feature key displays.Directory To access a Network Directory.Depending on how your system administratorhas set up this service, this button providesaccess to one of the following: Local Directory,Personal Directory, Redial List, Callers Listfeatures, or some other server-based directoryservice. You can use the Directory to place a call.The call is placed on your prime line unless youselect a different line.Services To access a list of network services.Open To open a network service, feature, or folder.Copy To copy a network service, feature, or folder.Quit To quit a network service or feature.The following Network Services toolbar elements apply to theEnhanced Call Control window ONLY.Tray Menu List To scroll through an opened directory menu.Directory To access a directory such as the PersonalDirectory, with up to 100 entries, or NetworkDirectory.Depending on how your system administratorhas set up this service, this button providesaccess to one of the following: Local Directory,Personal Directory, Redial List, Callers Listfeatures, or some other server-based directoryservice.Inbox/Messages To access your messages or return a call.Outbox/Shift To toggle between feature key displays.Table 1: IP Softphone 2050 components and functions(Part 3 of 4)Element Function