1.3 Upgrade Symposium Agent 2.0 Sybase 11.5 database to Sybase 12Run the pre-upgrade scriptRun the Pre-upgrade scriptThe upgrade script will create a sybsystemdb Database and increase the size of sybsystemprocsdatabase.In version 12.0, all servers must have a sybsystemdb database. Version 12.0 uses this database fortracking transactions and during recovery.The minimum size for sybsystemprocs is 80MB. If your sybsystemprocs is smaller than 80MBthe upgrade script will increase the size of this database.The Sybase isql tool will be used to run the upgrade script to create a new sybsystemdb databaseand increase the size of sybsystemprocs.Before you run the isql command, you may need to edit the upgrade.sql file to reference thedefault location for your Sybase database files. If the default drive is not the "c:\" then you willneed to edit the upgrade.sql file.Using notepad, open the upgrade.sql file, located under Nortel\server\nndbcfgSearch for physname="c:/Sybase/data"Replace the "c" in the pathname with the drive where Sybase is installed. For example, if yourSybase is on the D drive, the above line will look like this physname= "d:/Sybase/data. .."There are three instances of this line in the file. Update all three lines.Now run the following command (all on the same line) to execute the upgrade script:isql-Usa -p -i x:\Nortel\server\nndbcfg\upgrade.sql-ox: \Nortel\server\nndbcfg\up grade. outNote: X is the drive on which you have installed your Symposium Agent server files.Stop the SQL servicesFrom the services control panel applet stop the SQL services. i.e. Sybase SQLSERVER-Run Sybase ASE 12.0 installationFrom the SA Server CD-ROM, run the Symposium Agent Software installation menu program,"nnsamenu.exe", and click on the "Install database files" option. You will be prompted for a driveand folder in which to install the new database files. The drive should have at least 500MB of freespace. Then, a series of batch files will be started that copy the Sybase ASE v12.0 client andserver files. The server will automatically reboot twice during this process.To complete the upgrade process and convert your existing database to the 12.0 format, use theSybase Server Config program and execute the following ten steps:1 ) Start the Server Config program from Start Menu->Sybase->Server ConfigPage 6 of 28